Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Caesar the Conqueror (1961)

I'm not sure what they were going for with this one.  Caesar conquers the Gauls and watches a boxing match.  He is so entertained he puts the winner, Vercingetorix, in charge.  He promptly rebels.  There is an argument in the Senate about whether or not Caesar has too much power.  Then Caesar decides to marry his ward to his friend, an important general.  He sends her through rebellious Gaul where she naturally gets captured an Vercingetorix holds her for ransom.  She escapes, there are some battles, and Caesar wins.  I'm not sure where they were going with the character of Vercingetorix.  One moment he's being very noble, talking about fighting for the rights of the Gauls, the next he's chopping off a guy's hand because the guy didn't have enough horses.  The fight scenes and costumes are terrible.  This movie also ends with what may be the worst closing line ever.  Caesar thinks to himself, "I've conquered men but I'll never conquer their spirit, which is indomitable, like those clouds." Camera pans to clouds.  THE END.

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