Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Constantine and the Cross (1962)

This movie was OK.  It's difficult to find a hard copy, but is readily available on YouTube.  It focuses mostly on the events leading up to Constantine having his famous vision and winning the battle that, in the film, is kind of anti-climactic.  A lot of the plot points, like Christians stubbornly refusing to renounce Jesus in the face of terrible death, are starting to feel pretty stale to me.  But, if you really love sword and sandal stuff, this one might be worth a look.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sebastiane (1976)

This movie is soft core gay porn.  This makes it my new favorite.  Sebastiane is a Roman Soldier who converts to Christianity and gets sent off to the boondocks with six other soldiers as punishment.  They wrestle, bath, run around naked and play Frisbee.  Sebastiane won't follow any orders and get punished all the time.  When his friend asks him why he acts this way, he tells him he likes getting beat up and wants to die.  For Jesus.  One thing I admire about this movie is it flat out states what a lot of these early Christian films dance around, that the main characters are extreme masochists with death wishes.  If you are intrigued by any of this, it is streaming on Netflix.